TMI TAG! (Blog edition!)

Hello folks!!!
Today I decided to do the TMI tag (since every youtuber did this) and I'll do the blog edition!
This tag consists in 50 questions (that are a lot)... So... Let's go!
1. What are you wearing?
    A pair of jeans and my favorite t-shirt (which is white and over-sized, by H&M)!
2. Ever been in love?
    Yes, even now! I'm with my boyfriend for more than 2 years now!
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
    Nope, and I hope I'll never have one.
4. How tall are you?
    I'm 5.2! I'm small... I know!
5. How much do you weigh?
    ............. Even my boyfriend doesn't know my weight! This is too personal:) sorry!
6. Any tattoos?
    No. But I would like to have one (small and in a "strategical place" like in my finger).
7. Any piercings?
   Nope, even my ears aren't pierced!
8. OTP?
    I'm not a huge fan of movie stars and everything related! So I'll say... Lisa Simpson and Milhouse!:) (????....... Yep!!!)
9. Favorite show?
    The big bang theory!
10. Favorite bands?
      I don't have a favorite band but the ones I listen are One Republic, the 1975 and Coldplay.
11. Something you miss?
      I miss the time where I didn't care about other people and what they did.
12. Favorite song?
      Athens, by Naxxos. I'm not a huge fan of house music but it has been two day since I discovered it and I'm obsessed with it!
13. How old are you?
      I'm 20!
14. Zodiac sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
      Honesty, for sure. I don't like people that lie!
16. Favorite Quote?
      If you don't have nothing good to say, don't say nothing! (shut up, please!)
17. Favorite actor?
      Ben Stiller.
18. Favorite color?
      Aqua and turquoise (I cannot choose!), paired with white and gold!
19. Loud music or soft?
      Definitely soft!
20. Where do you go when you're sad?
      I go where there are people I love! That makes me laugh!
21. How long does it take you to shower?
      10 minutes... I think... Maybe 15...
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
      If I have to go out maybe an hour, if not from 5 to 10 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
      Do the fight with my brothers count?! If not, no:)
24. Turn on?
      Sense of humor and loyalty!
25. Turn off?
      Selfishness and badness. And socks under sandals! 
26.The reason I started blogging (joined Youtube)?
     Because I wanna share with the world my thoughts and I wanna be more open with people.
27. Fears?
      I'm afraid of spiders, snakes, grasshoppers and locusts.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
      he last film I saw: the Great Gatsby. I've read the book twice already and finally I've watched the        film! It's so good!! (and my mum asked me:"why in this film there's Spiderman?" ... oh God...)
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
      Last night, I said it to my boyfriend.
30. Meaning behind your Blog (YouTube) Name?
      Because in your life you have to live, to love and to laugh (I've explained it in previous posts).
31. Last book you read?
      The last runaway, by Tracy Chevalier (is a really good book!).
32. The book you're currently reading?
      I'm not reading any book currently.
33. Last show you watched?
      Cartoons! Adventure tiiiiiiiiiime!
34. Last person you talked to?
      I talked to my brother (he asked me if he could have some chocolate, but I said no! I'm so mean! ha!).
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
       I texted to my boyfriend:)
36. Favorite food?
      Oh God... This is so hard!... I don't have a favourite food, I go through periods! Like... A month           ago I was obsessed with maccaroni cheese, and now... Greek yoghurt!!!
37. Place you want to visit?
      I would like to visit the entire world, I love learning about different cultures and visit new places.
38. Last place you were?
      I went to the post office.
39. Do you have a crush?
      I'm in love... so I think it's a sort of a crush!... No?!
40. Last time you kissed someone?
      Yesterday, my boyfriend.
41. Last time you were insulted?
      Today, I think, but I don't care!
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
      Coconut! And vanilla! And chocolate!
43. What instruments do you play?
       Piano, guitar, flute, drums, sax and violin. Hahahaha! None:)
44. Favorite piece of jewelery?
      A necklace that my boyfriend gave me (with a little heart on it).
45. Last sport you played?
46. Last song you sang?
     Papaoutai by Stromae, I'm not french, I don't know the language and I suck at singing so... You can imagine:)
47. Favorite chat up line?
      I don't have one.
48. Have you ever used it?
      I don't have one so... Nope!
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
      Yesterday with my boyfriend (I'm so boring!!!)
50. Who should answer these questions next?
      Anyone who wants to do it!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post! Comment letting me know what your answers are if you want!:) Oh and subscribe if you want:)

                                        Bye, Fede!:)


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