Fashion Fall Trends!

Hope everything is fine!! Today I've got a fashion post for you guys!!
Even thought I'm not a fashion addicted, I don't like going out looking like... A mess!...

  • Scarves: during the cold months I'm obsessed with them! They change the whole look! Actually I'm obsessed with one scarf in particular! 
  • Blazers: I think they're a must have items! You can look classy with them, but even casual! It all depends in what you put underneath it! I love pairing them with a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans! Classy but not too serious! Don't you agree??
    This what actually my mom blazer! But I stole her! Sorry mum! It's of a navy blue and it has very simple lines! Almost like a shirt!

    This blazer has almost an year! And... It's black but the photo doesn't make him justice!
  • Sweaters: if some years ago I was really into hoodies now I love sweaters!! My favorite is from H&M and it has almost two years! But don't worry! Every year they come back in all Fall/Winter collection! Oh and I'm also really into white/cream colors!

    Those are the trends I'm going to be rocking in the Fall! Tellme in the comments what you are going to wear! And... What do you think of mine?? Let me know in the comments! Follow me on the social media if you want! 

    XOXO, Fede:)

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