Eyebrow Stylist Set | Essence

Hello everyone!
Today I wanna talk about the Essence Cosmetics Eyebrow Stylist set!
This eye-powder duo allows to fill in your brows in the most natural way (of course, it's a powder product! Duh!) but the natural effect is even more natural thanks to the fact that the powders are not so pigmented!

If those shadows were actual eye-shadows I'd tell you straight away DO NOT BUY IT! But since they are brow-powders they are great and I tell you GO FOR IT! The pigmentation allows you to not exaggerate with the product, making your brows, even if you put on a lot of it, still look natural!
I have the brunette version and as you can see the powders are not so pigmented!

In the market there are two shades: one for brunettes and one for blondes.

Actually the color of this photos are not so right! The brunette version is like the blonde one! And the first one is lighter than how it is in the photo!
The set come (also) with a small brush... Which I threw away! But not cause it's not good! Cause I didn't need it! If you don't have one, just use the one who comes with the set! It's not that bad!... And three stencils which allows you to create a perfect brow shape! I use them when I want to trim my brows... They are so helpful!!! Not so much when I have to fill in them, thought... Cause the shape will make them look too fake!

So... I hope the review was helpful! Try if you have the chance and let me know what you think about it! 
Until next time, 


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