How to stay motivated during a weightloss journey!

Hi everyone!
Today I wanna talk about what kept me motivated during my weightloss journey!
Loosing more than 30 pounds has not been the easiest thing and I have to be honest... Someday I felt great and some days I felt like I was only a failure.
Those days were soooo hard and what kept me going were the "little" things that I've listed in this post... Do those solve the problem? NO... But they can help a lot, especially when you have a bad day!


I.    Set realistic goals

Sometimes we see super-shredded women/men on Instagram and we're like "I wish I could look like her/him" and we start working out with that idea in mind... AND IT'S GREAT! Until you realize that your body-type (maybe, we're all different!) is not meant to be like that... Everybody is different and what I've experienced overtime is that you don't have to train to look like someone, you train to be the best version of yourself!

II.  Do not mind the scale

Muscles weight more than fat... We all know that... And if you're like me, you will build muscles before starting burning fat (I'm a mesomorph and I tend to build muscles very easily, but I also struggle to burn fat!) and IF/WHEN you weight yourself you can become frustrated because instead of loosing weight you (apparently) have gained some...

III. Follow someone that motivate you

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube... YOU NAMED IT... There are plenty of options where you can find someone that motivates you, you can find inspiration and help in those people... You just have to find the right ones!
Those are a few of the women I follow on instagram, they are an inspiration to me and, most important, they keep it real (sometimes what we see on social network it's so fake it's outrageous)!

IV.  Switch it up!

Change workout routine, change your diet... Sometimes (well... most of the times) after eating the same meal for a bunch of days (ehm, ehm... meal prep! Let me know if you want to hear what I think about it!) we could get bored and, if you're like me, you could actually stop eating that specific food for a while! Try different cooking metods and different way to spice things up! The same goes with your workout schedule but this topic, to me, is even more important! Your body gets used to your workout routine and the best thing you can do is switch it up.
Usually as my cardio routine I do HIIT (High Intense Interval Training) which I find works best for my body type, but sometimes, in the evening, I go out for a run... And only then I realize how much stronger I've gotten! I start running and I never stop, I climb hills and only at the top I suddenly became so proud of myself!
This is what was waiting for me at the top of an hill... And I haven't even edited this photo!

V.   Look back 

Put yourself in front of a mirror and look at you... Focs on how strong you've gotten, on the muscles that are growing and how your body shape is changing (they may seem like small changes... But you have to be PROUD of them!) AND BE PROUD OF IT.

Those were my tips on how to stay motivated... I hope you enjoy this ost and that it was actually useful!

Until next time, 
XOXO, Fede      


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