HEALTHY BROWNIES | #MyWeightlossJourney

Hi everybody!
Today I wanna share a recipie with you that is so easy to make and SOOO delicius that is not even funny!

Now... I have to say that I'm trying to eat as low carb as possible, avoiding refined sugars and empty calories... But it's not easy!
While looking for keto friendly recipies I've came across this one (which I've later modify a little bit, to make it less expensive, if I have to be honest!) and although is not "low carb diet friendly" I find that it's still better than the classic brownies recipies that you find on the internet!

Those brownies use carrots for moisture and I have to say that I was skeptick about that but you don't even taste them at the end so... THAT'S EVEN BETTER!
The carrots and the dates make them SOOO FUDGY and incredible sweet, they are so decadent and chocolatey, it seems like there is a whole ton of chocolate in them, while there is only unsweetened cocoa!

Without further do, let's get into the recipie!

If you wanna keep the recipies raw, just eat them cold but I actually find that after warming them up in my microwawe for 30 to 40 seconds they seem like real brownies.
For this recipie I used hazelnuts but you can use whatever nut you'd like, IT'S ALL UP TO YOU WHEN YOU'RE IN THE KITCHEN!

Just because is "healthier" doesn't mean is low in calories! When I say "healthy" I mean made with whole food, which has more properties than most of the processed ingredients that we usually buy, such as the classic all-purpose-flour!

 With this being said, LET'S GET INTO THE NUTRITION FACTS: 

The percent Daily Values listed are based on a 2,000 calorie diet so you may have to adjust them to your Daily calories intake (I usually watch the grams of each macronutrient so it's not that big of a deal to me!).

And as I said before, those are NOT low carb, BUT THAT'S FINE!
I'm not about a restictive diet, just because I find it's not that good for your mental health and if you're like me, in two weeks from the beginning, you'll find yourself binge eating just because you've resticted yourself too much!

I'm planning on sharing all the recipies I make in this blog and, eventually, make a little e-book (free, obviously, for all the broke ass students like me!) with them... Let me know if you think this might be a good idea!

As always, I hope this post was helpful and let me know if you make this recipie! I'm courious to know what you think about it!

Untill next time,
XOXO, Federica


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