Cauliflower and Mushroom soup | #MissionDetox

I decided to make this recipe when I ended up eating soups for lunch and dinner almost everyday (go rea this post to know more) and I ended up making it three times in a row!

Both cauliflower and white mushrooms don't have that much of a flavor but I have to say that it is so tasty! I actually didn't expect it!
Also... As every recipe I make, it's extremely easy and cheap!
Without rambling too much, here's the recipe!

600 gr. of cauliflower*
450 gr. of white mushrooms*
10 gr. of dried mushrooms (soaked overnight and rinsed)
1 leek
200 gr. of potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp Dried Ginger
2 litres of water

*I used frozen cauliflower and mushrooms, but you can use whatever you want!

The preparation is so hard! (Just kidding😀)
Cut the leek and the garlic and sautee them in the soup pot for 3 to 5 minutes.
Chop roughly the potatoes (I didn't even peel them) and put everything in the pot with the water. When it comes to a boil lower the gas and let it simmer for 30 to 45 minutes.
After that, with a mixer, blend everything.
This does not looks that good... But I promise... It tastes great!
I have to say that eaten the day after is even better!

*If you want, for an extra detox power, add a celery stock and a fennel. The taste is not going to change that much, it will be a less sweeter.

Let me know if you try making the recipes! Did you like it?
'Cause I definitely did!


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