Student?? Save Money!!

Hi everyone! As a student I always stare at my empty wallet when I need something, asking myself:" why did you, stupid girl, waist your money for something that you didn't really need??". And, tired of that situation, I decided to save my money, and I decided also to share my tips with you! Make your own meals : it seems stupid but even a dollar or two (or whatever you spend for eating at school/everywhere you eat) makes the difference! In a whole year you'll save a lot of money! Bring a chicken salad or a sandwich with everything you want in it and you and your wallet will be happy (let me know if you want some of the recipes I make!) Bring your snacks : at supermarket/shop there are a lot of offers and sometime (almost always!) snacks cost a lot less than buy them in the snack-machines at school! The prices of those almost double when they are in those machines! Buy the less expensive stationery : have a nice pen, with green and blue polka-dots makes you h...