Workout Planner!

Here's what...

I used to have a little notebook where I wrote my workouts (exercises, sets and reps, loads ecc..) but after a while it became cluttered and I couldn't stand it anymore...

I didn't want to buy a specific book (you know... the ones actually made for weightlifting session... Listen... I don't have the money for those!) so... I DECIDED TO MAKE MY OWN PLANNER.

It's free, obviously! And you can simply download it and print a bunch of them!

Here's a little preview, the link for the download is under the picture!


This is available here

This is targeted for weightlifting but I'm already working on other stuff! Let me know what you would like to have!

Can I ask you something?
If you actually used it, I'd love to know what you think about it!
I really wanna make it work, make it nicer and simpler. So your feedback would be really useful!
Let me know what I have to improve/change (and I'm planning on doing more versions of it, this is now the "basic" style!).
Thank you in advance!


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