About me!

Hi guys!
My name is Federica and I was born in April 10, 1994.
My parents always gave me everything that i needed (and for that I'm so thankful to them!) and my childhood has been happy and joyful!

When I start to grow up, my body started to change, obviously, and even if I the people behind me continued to love me, I started watching myself as someone that wouldn't ever be good and successful.
I started hating my body (even if I tried to get fit I won't!), my personality (when I was an adolescent everything made me angry, even the most stupid things!) and my life has started not to be so good.
When I started high school, I started also playing soccer and, because of this, my classmates started to insult me calling me "lesbian" or "man". That's why I hated that school (also even if I met awesome people! But when someone insult you, the easiest thing to do is to think about the negative aspect, not the positive one)!
After three years of sadness, where I had the lower self-confidence ever, where I saw myself as fat and nasty and where I started not to talk to anyone (even because I've always been a shy girl!), I decided to change school (and I have to repeat the year because of that! the badness of the people haven't got any limit!) and my life started to get better.
From the moment that I decided to change school, I decided to change my whole life! Everything I wanted to be before I could be! This was the point of start of my new, my real life, where I could be what I wanted!
In the following three years in that school, I've met awesome people, that accepted me and loved me for who I really was (and am now!). I started, for the first time after years, to be "myself", I become more girly (but not to much!), I decided what I wanted to be (an architect!) and my passion for makeup started to grow.
But I still refused (and i refuse even now!) to wear makeup to school! I AM TOO LAZY!!XD
I've finished high school and before attending uni I decided to start a blog, hoping to gain some more self-confidence, to share my passions and to help other people who may be having a difficult time.

(this is what I wrote in 2014!... Follows 2018 edit!)

The first year of Uni wasn't the easiest... During the first semester I struggled (as most of the students do, it's normal) but after that period of time, where I gained some of weight I decided that, since being in University, I had the opportunity of changing my life, without having to worry about work and the other related things.

I started working out and eating healthier and, at the end of my bachelor, I had a degree in architecture and I was more than 30 pounds lighter (AND DEFINITELY STRONGER)!

I want this blog to be a journal, where I can share my tips and my thoughts... I don't want to become famous, I just hope to be useful to those of you that are struggling with their lives, with the hope that with what I write you'll be able to find the motivation you need!

This is me now... Doing things that I've never thought I would have the courage to do! Like.. Posting a picture of myself on the internet while not having abs... AND IT FEELS GREAT!

And that is my best friend... The barbell!
Wheightlifting has quickly become my jam and I plan on sharing my tips on this topic and on everything health-related! (as someone that is not a personal trainer/nutritionist/doctor) 

For more picture follow me on Instagram @fedeslife



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