Chickpeas Hamburger | The Lazy Chef Recipies

Lately I've been loving a quick lunch that consist in food that can be eaten without fork... Mainly because I'm lazy and I'd love not to have a lot of stoves/dishes to clean...
This is the perfect recipie for that specific reason! You can make them in advance (meal-prep style) or you can serve them as an apetizer paired with a fancy dipping sauce (this is how lazy people step up their game when it comes to food!) when you have friends over...

Since the flavours are not so dominant (I love me some good customizable recipies) the hamburgers can be serve in whatever way you find right, swap the herbs to your liking or even change kind of beans!



Chickpeas          2 cans, drained and rinsed
Onion                 1, medium
Celery                1
Carrots               3, medium/small
Oat Flour           (if needed and as much you need!)
Garlic Powder




The recipie is really easy, for real!
Dice the onion, celery and the carrots and with a tablespoon of oil sautee them in a pan for 5 to 7 minutes (till softened).

In the meanwhile drain and rinse the chickpeas and put them in a blender. Make sure not to process them too much because the "paste" will turn too watery (and you may end uphaving to add more flour than needed).
Add then the vegetables and process for20 seconds (till everything is combined), add then an egg, some oat flour, if needed.

Transfer the mixture into a bowl and put it in the fridge to rest for at least 10 minutes.
When you're ready to cook just scoop some mixture and create an "hamburger".

On a pan add a tablespoon of oil and let it heat up for a couple of minutes (careful not to burn it!) and place the hamburger on it. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on each side!

That's it! They're ready to be served with a nice dipping sauce (or even just mayo or ketchup, I'm not judging you!).

I mean... They're simple... But definitely not flavourless! And I'm not certainly good making a nice presentation!
Let me know if you've tried this recipie and what you think about it! Go on my Youtube page and let me know on the comment section what you think too!
I know that the kind of food that I make is really easy but I find that sometimes you just need some simple staple recipies to make your life a little bit easier, cause we're not all professional chefs! Don't you agree??

That's it for today, I hope you enjoyed the post! Make sure to share and like the video so I know if I should continue with this kind of recipies!

Until next time, 


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