Mud Cake Chocolate and Coconut | The Lazy Chef Recipies

I'm so lazy... It's not even funny... And my goal in life is to work the least amount of time possible and make it look like I've worked on it for hours... And when I'm in the kitchen the goal is the same!

This recipie took me FIVE minutes to make and let me tell you that if you have some last minute guest over, you will not let them down!

I HAVE TO SAY that the coconut flour give everything a "not so smooth" texture to the dessert but I actually prefere it in that way! When I eat dessert like puddings I feel like I'm not that "satisfied", because it seems like I'm eating nothing! Please tell me I'm not the only one!

For the base I used a basic chocolate cake (I found the recipie in the internet) which for my liking came out a little bit too dry, but it turned out perfect for this kind of dessert!
You could be even lazier and buy a pre-made cake or bake a cake from the "box" but I'll suggest to use "real" whipping cream, either vegan or not, but not the one that come in the can!
I mean... You can go all out when we talk about lazyness or you can make something more, just to say "I've actually done something"!


Chocolate Cake                                     a slice
Heavy Whipping Cream                       50 ml
Maple/Agave Syrup                              a teaspoon
Coconut Flour                                       5 grams
Chocolate, melted                                 20 grams

This is the easiest dessert EVER and I'm actually surprised aout he fact tht I've never actually made it!
But there's a first time for everything and today I'm here to save your life (not actually... But I mean... It's a sweet and easy treat so... Maybe yes?! You judge!!)

FIRST THING FIRST you have to bake your chocolate cake (or open the packet and throw it in the oven, or just open the bag of the pre-made cake.. Whatever!), cut a slice, crumble it up and fill the glass with it (it depends on the thickness of the cake layer you'd like!).
Whip then the heavy cream and when it's firmly whipped add it up with the maple syrup and the coconut.
Fill, now, the glass with the "cream" mixture and if you'd like throw some melted chocolate and some cake crumbs in there, which are going to add a little bit of texture.

Once your glass is filled decorate with some cocunt flakes (or coconut flour), some cake crumbs and the melted chocolate!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you think about it and let me know on social network at @fedeslife (instagram) how it turned out and let me know if you'd like to have some more advanced modifications!


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