
Showing posts from September, 2014

Accept What It Is!

Hello everyone! Today I decided to motivate yourself with a quote that, even if it seems stupid, it's really the best! As you may, or not, know (and if not, read " My History " post) I've done a lot of mistakes! But! The worst thing I've done in my life was beeing afraid of what future wuold bring to me! Actually... I'm really scared about changes!... But you know what?... Sometimes you have just to delete your past! Let it go! Because, if not, it will stop you from making big things! Because bad thing that happened in the past are like gost! So... Even if it's hard... You have to "act" like they're never happened! This is my advice for today! I hope you like it and found it useful! I hope you're week will be great! See you on Friday! XOXO, Fede:)

Beauty things I Suck at TAG!

Hello!Today, cause nobody's perfect, I decided to tell you what are the beauty things I sucks at! They're a lot so let's get started!! GEL EYELINER... I can't... Just... No... I love gel eyeliner more than pencil and liquid ones! I love the matte finish of it but I always mess up everything! Putting mascara on: there are days that I can't even touch the tube of mascara! I poke my eyes, it gets on my eyelid... Am I the only one that has those days??... Please tell me!! Bronzing my face: I love contouring but every time I try bronzing my face I look like an Umpa-Lumpa.  Glowy and bronzed skin... AMAZING! That's what I'm looking for! And this is how I look like after trying! Amazing! Uh??!! Why I'm not able to?? Tweezing my eyebrows: I don't know why and how... But an eyebrow looks always different than the other!  Blending cream eyeshadow with the fingers: everytime I try to do it I look like a panda! Why am I so retarded?? Wearing bo...

Adjust your Sails!

Hello Everyone! I know... It's already Monday... The worst day of the week!... But... I have an inspirational post for you! And I hope this will improve your day!! You know, sometimes life doesn't go on the "right direction", the way we really want. And this means that things who seemed easy just appear impossible! This means that if you want something, now, you have to work hard! And don't give up! Those situation are the ones that, at the end, make us stronger and ready for what life will bring us! So... The advice for this week is... To change your plans if life is not like what it should be! And don't give up! AT ALL! I think... That's it for today! I hope this has motivate your day and your whole week!:) I love you so much! Thanks for reading my posts!:)   XOXO, Fede:) *I decided to not make InspirationalMonday so long! So nobody gets bored! I hope!

Maybelline SuperStay 14hr Lipstick Review!

Hello! Today I have a review for you... About some of my favorites lipsticks!!... Without rambling... Let's get into it!  What Maybelline say: Super rich color with super staying power. In one amazing weightless formula. No dragging. No drying. No letdowns at all. In 20 longwearing shades. Why You'll Love It 14HR Lipstick with an ultra-lightweight formula: Stays fresh, light, and oh so comfortable Super rich color that lasts for 14 hours Prices* : US 8.99$             UK 6.99 Ā£             EUR 8-10 What I think about it: I love those lipsticks! The matte finish is really MATTE (you don't have to blot your lips with a tissue to remove the glossy finish that usually even matte lipstick have)! And that's what I'm looking for!But... They have some pros and cons! As every beauty product! Those are the two colors I have! A really bright warm-red a...

Fashion Fall Trends!

Hello!!! Hope everything is fine!! Today I've got a fashion post for you guys!! Even thought I'm not a fashion addicted, I don't like going out looking like... A mess!... Scarves: during the cold months I'm obsessed with them! They change the whole look! Actually I'm obsessed with one scarf in particular!  Blazers: I think they're a must have items! You can look classy with them, but even casual! It all depends in what you put underneath it! I love pairing them with a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans! Classy but not too serious! Don't you agree?? This what actually my mom blazer! But I stole her! Sorry mum! It's of a navy blue and it has very simple lines! Almost like a shirt! This blazer has almost an year! And... It's black but the photo doesn't make him justice! Sweaters: if some years ago I was really into hoodies now I love sweaters!! My favorite is from H&M and it has almost two years! But don't worry! Every y...

School or work? This is the problem!

Hello everyone! Last month I received a call from a company, where they asked me if I would like to to work with them! In a minute a whole world opened in front of me and I started thinking about the idea to go to work instead of studying! I had to refuse! Because I was already matriculate to the university! But this idea is still "flying" in my head! Sometimes you have to choose between those things! Money or not?? After this call I started thinking: " Is it better going to work or continuing studying?" And that's what I'm asking you today! What do you think about it?? Everyone has his own history and... Who am I for judging or for tell him what to do?? I would only help you to choose, if you don't know what to do. For me, even if I need money (for buying makeup!), studying is more important! Cause you're building your future! And if it means... MORE MONEY!... It's an awesome thing!! Don't you agree??? But this is only my po...

Autumn Trends!

Hello! Since Autumn is almost here, I decided to tell you what are the trends I'm gonna rock in the next season! In the net I found a lot of different trends that during the fashion weeks (all of them!) models wore and, as you can see, the stiles are a lot different! (All the photos are from Bazaar) Colored liner for Giles! Btw... How gorgeous is Cara?? Even on the Dior show whe can see the color! Bold lashes everywhere!! Metallic eye-shadows for Rodarte And even DKNY Bold Liners! This photo is from Marc by Marc Jacobs show! This and the next photo is what in every show (and photo!) you can see! The skin! Skin is glowy, not cakey and with natural blush! And the eyebrows are all natural! What everybody can see from this photo is the fact that every model has nude lips (in some shows there were some bold ones) and really natural eyebrows! I think that bold liner and colorful eye-liners are not so wearable but, for the rest... It's all prett...

The 5 Best Movies!

Hello!! Even thought I'm not a huge film-lover I decided to make a list about my most watched movies ever ! I'm not patient at all and watching them, for me, is just... A pain!! But!!... There are some movies I love watching! It doesn't matter how many times I've already watched them!! The Great Gatsby : this is AMAZING!! I love it!! I think it reflect the book in every part of it! And the special effects, music and actors are phenomenal!! If you don't... You have to watch it!  The Help : Emma Stone in this movie is so gorgeous!! I love even the history! I'm a "fan" of that period when there were fight between black and white people (I don't wanna offend anyone! I hope you understand right what I would like to tell you)! It communicate the real strenght of black people!!  Emma Stone is too gorgeous!! Don't you agree?? Lord of The Ring (Trilogy) : it's time to become a nerd!! Don't you agree?? The landscapes in those are jus...

Regret Nothing!

Hello!!! I hope everything is fine!! Today I wanna talk you about regretting! I think everyone has done something that regrets! It's impossible haven't done it! But... You know what?? I don't care! I did a lot of things I regret! But... As the image say... I mostly regret what I didn't done when I had the chance!... Have you ever asked yourself: "What if it works?" This is what I ask myself every time I say "no" to something! During life you have to choose a million times between something... But what I've learned is: don't regret about your choices! NEVER! What you choose is what really represent yourself and your personality! And sometimes is only destiny! There aren't wrong choices... But there are choices that are better than other! Don't you agree??? Do you wanna know something I really regret ??? Let me know in the comments! So I 'll do a post on it! Cause it's a pretty long story! What I wanna tell you, wit...

Maybelline SuperStay 24hr Foundation! (product review)

Hello everyone! It's finally Friday and I have a review for you!I'm going to talk about the SuperStay 24hr foundation! I haven't seen a lot of blogger /youtubers talking about it so... I decided to write a review! First thing first! I have to say that I haven't got this product anymore! I finished the bottle two weeks ago! And I bought it almost an year ago! So... I couldn't do photos of mine! Excuse me! What Maybelline say: DO-IT-ALL, THROUGH-IT-ALL MAKEUPļ»æ 24-HOUR WEAR, NO TRANSFER MEDIUM COVERAGE Why You'll Love It Stays comfortable and looks naturally flawless all day Micro-Flex formula provides 24-hour wear and no transfer Withstands heat, sweat and humidity Oil-free, dermatologist-tested, fragrance-free Suitable for all skin types For Best Results Apply smoothly and evenly to your face and blend with your fingertips. This is the color selection... Actually... It doesn't look so bad!... But in the "real ...

Best Commercial Songs!

Hello folks! Hope your week has been great, for now! Today I decided to do a list of my favorite commercial song of all time! You know, this the kind of music that I've always listened, sometimes I hate some songs, sometimes some songs are great! I think it's a love it or leave it! At least, for me! Do you agree with me? I'm sure everyone knows those songs! But if you don't... The link in the titles bring you to the official videos on YouTube so you can listen to them! So... Without further do... Here you are my favorite songs! Diamonds , Rihanna: Oh My God! This is my favorite song ever! I have no words to decribe it!  Red , Taylor Swift: as I listened this song for the first time I felt in love with it! Payphone , Maroon 5 ft Wiz Khalifa: we all know what I'm talking about! No? Can't Hold Us , Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: actually I don't like a lot this artist! My boyfriend has the whole cd but... I don't like it! I hate his first so...