How to stay motivated during a weightloss journey!

Hi everyone! Today I wanna talk about what kept me motivated during my weightloss journey! Loosing more than 30 pounds has not been the easiest thing and I have to be honest... Someday I felt great and some days I felt like I was only a failure. Those days were soooo hard and what kept me going were the "little" things that I've listed in this post... Do those solve the problem? NO... But they can help a lot, especially when you have a bad day! I. Set realistic goals Sometimes we see super-shredded women/men on Instagram and we're like "I wish I could look like her/him" and we start working out with that idea in mind... AND IT'S GREAT! Until you realize that your body-type (maybe, we're all different!) is not meant to be like that... Everybody is different and what I've experienced overtime is that you don't have to train to look like someone, you train to be the best version of yourself! II. Do not mind the scale ...