Food Swaps for WeightLoss | MyWeightlossJourney

I've never been the person that followed a diet, I've never been into one and I will never be... WHY? Because I find that restricting yourself, in any way, shape or form, is not the right thing to do ! Even if I try, I think I'd last for no more than a week! I think that, instead, if you're trying to loose some weight, you should start with small changes that, slowly but surely, will change your whole lifestyle ... Without you even realizing it! I've learned also that is not about HOW MANY TIMES YOU TRAIN AND FOR HOW LONG... IT'S ABOUT THE FOOD YOU EAT ! You can train 2 to 3 hours a day... But if you eat crap ... You'll feel like crap! (that's my honest opinion). BREAD LET'S BE HONEST... BREAD IS LIFE The texture, the taste, the filling-power that it has... It's hard to give up on bread! But I've found some food that help me stop the "cravings" (which are not even cravings! They're more like a satiation feeli...