
Showing posts from 2018

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | Days 4, 5 and 6

So... I was planning on stopping at day 3... But my body told me that it wasn't ready yet! My biggest worry was to not get enough nutrients during this period of time but I decided to follow my instinct and to do whatever sounded right, without worring. I'm learning so much about my body everyday, I thought that after loosing 30 pounds I already knew my body but guess what?! I've never been so wrong! Part 1 (Why I'm doing this!) Part 2 (Days 1, 2 and 3) DAY #4 As I said in the previous post, the day before I ate 10 fries (literally... If not 10 they might have been 15... But not more!) and my body definitely felt them! I wasn't bloated (not as much as day one and two) but I also didn't feel great! I also didn't feel an incredible hunger sensation! This was also leg day and I was worried about not making through it, but guess what? I felt amazing! I haven't got a mind-muscles connection like this in a very long time (and that was somethi...

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | Days 1, 2 and 3

(Before starting reading the post please go to the previous post where I explain the reasons why I'm doing this, and read also the disclaimer at the bottom of this post) My main goal is to feel good with myself and learning to listen to my body and that's why those post are here for! Here's my diary, where I can explain to you how I feel during this "forced" detoxing period. As the days go by I realize that what I really crave is whole food. I don't crave any sort of protein, at all, and I don't feel the need to actually eat it! Is it a bad thing? No... Cause I end up eating  80 grams of protein everyday ! Which that's a lot considering what I actually eat at the moment!  (I'm actually tracking calories just for that purpose, since my training routine has not changed ) DAY #1 Ok... I must say... I was hungry all day long... But still... Dealing with that feeling of hunger was easy, because none of the foods I had at home was appetizi...

Cauliflower and Mushroom soup | #MissionDetox

I decided to make this recipe when I ended up eating soups for lunch and dinner almost everyday (go rea this post to know more) and I ended up making it three times in a row! Both cauliflower and white mushrooms don't have that much of a flavor but I have to say that it is so tasty! I actually didn't expect it! Also... As every recipe I make, it's extremely easy and cheap! Without rambling too much, here's the recipe! Ingredients: 600 gr. of cauliflower* 450 gr. of white mushrooms* 10 gr. of dried mushrooms (soaked overnight and rinsed) 1 leek 200 gr. of potatoes 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp Dried Ginger Thyme Oil Bouillon Salt Pepper 2 litres of water *I used frozen cauliflower and mushrooms, but you can use whatever you want! The preparation is so hard! (Just kidding šŸ˜€ ) Cut the leek and the garlic and sautee them in the soup pot for 3 to 5 minutes. Chop roughly the potatoes (I didn't even peel them) and put everything in the pot ...

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | THE BEFORE

Hi! So... Last week I arrived at a point where my body was like: "JUST...STOP." I was bloated, I didn't want to eat (I was actually hungry, but food didn't seem appetizing!), and I was constipated (I was seriously thinking about taking laxatives, even if I'm totally against them!) and that brought me to feel so INSECURE about myself! This sensation has been going on for a few weeks and I arrived at a point where I hated that feeling and I was ready to stop. And all of it it's weird... Because I didn't binged eat or ate only crappy food all day long (I mean... I've eaten a couple of oreos once in a while, maybe two slices of banana bread, but I've always followed the 80-20 diet) but I felt STUFFED WITH FOOD ... I lift weights and I know how important it is to have enough protein in my diet... But every source of protein just seemed not appetizing... And so did fats (keep in mind... I thrive on a higher fat-moderate protein diet... So that w...

How to: Grocery Shopping for Weight Loss on a Budget

Hi everybody! I love to go grocery shopping! Spending time in between the isles of a grocery store may be one of the most exciting things to do for me! Is that weird?? I don't know! But I love reading labels, discovering new products and maybe realize that some "healthy" alternatives are not that healthy! I could spend hours shopping for groceries... Literally... You can leave me there for six hours straight and I will be having fun the whole time! It's all fun and giggles until you want to have an healthy lifestyle! That's when the problems start! I mean... They're not actually "problems"... But you have to be more careful about what you put into the cart... It only requires more attention! The most diffused idea is that "healthy eating" is more expensive... But I realized that it could be actually cheaper than what you may think! The key is to plan your trip to the store . KNOWING THE BRANDS Knowing which brands are bett...

Free workout planner?! | #myweightlossjourney

HELLO. I want to tell you a story... So... I have a little notebook in which I write all my weight-lifting session (legs and butt/upper body) and I'm almost done with it. I have to say that planning your workout is the most useful thing you can do to see improvements faster and reaching your goal "easily" (c'mon... It will still be hard... But knowing what you're doing actually helps!) and I figured out a way to make this happen without making you waste money! There are notebooks that are specifically made for keeping tracks of your workouts but I actually don't feel the need to purchase one at the moment, so I'll go with the print and write choice! I made two version of the "planner". The first one is made for "beginners" and is divided between "warm-up", "active sets" and "cool-down" that allows you to separate the kind of exercises (also based on weights). On the side column (the empty one) ...

Why does Binge-Eating Happen?! | MyWeightLossJourney

Hello everybody! I hope you have a great day, and if not, I hope I'll make it a little better with this post! What I wanted to talk about is how to not binge-eat , especially if you're trying to loose some weight (or even if you find yourself indulging a little too much!), but it turned out to be a " why are you binge-eating " post... Which... That may be helpful too, I guess! LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND IT INTERESTING! That's because I often find myself craving cookies/ice cream/chocolate after dinner and I've tried to stop this habit/cravings... But the first thing to make those stop is to actually identify the reasons that make that happen! SO, IF YOU HAVE SOME CRAVINGS, YOU MIGHT HAVE TO ASK SOME QUESTION TO YOUR LITTLE SOUL, BEFORE STARTING EATING! Here's what I ask myself! IS IT JUST AN HABIT? Sometimes having something sweet after dinner is just an habit which could be not that easy to break, but as everyone says, it takes "only"...

5 Habits to make your day a little bit better! #MyHealthyLife

I've never been  a creature of habit and I probably never will, I used to think that having a morning routine was just stupid and time-wasting. Probably it was because of my chaotic lifestyle: wake up at 6, be ready for 7 and just go, go, go all day long... Come back home 13/14 hours later and collapse on the bed...  This was my life at uni... AND I HATED IT...  (side note... this was also one of the reason that made me decide to not continue my "student path"... tbh... If you want to I can make a post about it...) As soon as I found a job and got "settled" (and with this term I mean it became my "normal life") I felt like I missed something. I was still stressed and I felt like I needed something that was able to help me to chill out, just because this is, at the end of the day, my actual life from now on, and I can't live all my life stressed and anxious all the time! I started, then, trying new stuff. Things that I've...

2018 Challenge! Lean Body Edition

HELLO. Today I've decided to make things official. During the holidays I've gained a bunch of weight and I've decided to commit to something different, that I'm against (not totally, but I'm scared it could become an obsession... We'll see!), and that may help me get leaner for the summer... I've decided to take my measurements and I've invested on a diagnostic scale (a popping 22.90 euros, to be exact! LOL.) to help me understand more my body and figure out my progress, just because I'm about the idea that when you look at yourself on the mirror everyday you end up, most of the time, not seeing your progress, so NUMBERS MAY HELP! WHY HAVE I DONE THIS??? I'm all about listening to your body, doing what you think it's right and what makes you happy... But I feel like, PERSONALLY (we're all different, what works for me may not work for you!), I need something that, when I fell off the track, pushes me back on! MY MEASUREME...