
Showing posts from October, 2018

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | Days 4, 5 and 6

So... I was planning on stopping at day 3... But my body told me that it wasn't ready yet! My biggest worry was to not get enough nutrients during this period of time but I decided to follow my instinct and to do whatever sounded right, without worring. I'm learning so much about my body everyday, I thought that after loosing 30 pounds I already knew my body but guess what?! I've never been so wrong! Part 1 (Why I'm doing this!) Part 2 (Days 1, 2 and 3) DAY #4 As I said in the previous post, the day before I ate 10 fries (literally... If not 10 they might have been 15... But not more!) and my body definitely felt them! I wasn't bloated (not as much as day one and two) but I also didn't feel great! I also didn't feel an incredible hunger sensation! This was also leg day and I was worried about not making through it, but guess what? I felt amazing! I haven't got a mind-muscles connection like this in a very long time (and that was somethi...

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | Days 1, 2 and 3

(Before starting reading the post please go to the previous post where I explain the reasons why I'm doing this, and read also the disclaimer at the bottom of this post) My main goal is to feel good with myself and learning to listen to my body and that's why those post are here for! Here's my diary, where I can explain to you how I feel during this "forced" detoxing period. As the days go by I realize that what I really crave is whole food. I don't crave any sort of protein, at all, and I don't feel the need to actually eat it! Is it a bad thing? No... Cause I end up eating  80 grams of protein everyday ! Which that's a lot considering what I actually eat at the moment!  (I'm actually tracking calories just for that purpose, since my training routine has not changed ) DAY #1 Ok... I must say... I was hungry all day long... But still... Dealing with that feeling of hunger was easy, because none of the foods I had at home was appetizi...

Cauliflower and Mushroom soup | #MissionDetox

I decided to make this recipe when I ended up eating soups for lunch and dinner almost everyday (go rea this post to know more) and I ended up making it three times in a row! Both cauliflower and white mushrooms don't have that much of a flavor but I have to say that it is so tasty! I actually didn't expect it! Also... As every recipe I make, it's extremely easy and cheap! Without rambling too much, here's the recipe! Ingredients: 600 gr. of cauliflower* 450 gr. of white mushrooms* 10 gr. of dried mushrooms (soaked overnight and rinsed) 1 leek 200 gr. of potatoes 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp Dried Ginger Thyme Oil Bouillon Salt Pepper 2 litres of water *I used frozen cauliflower and mushrooms, but you can use whatever you want! The preparation is so hard! (Just kidding šŸ˜€ ) Cut the leek and the garlic and sautee them in the soup pot for 3 to 5 minutes. Chop roughly the potatoes (I didn't even peel them) and put everything in the pot ...

I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | THE BEFORE

Hi! So... Last week I arrived at a point where my body was like: "JUST...STOP." I was bloated, I didn't want to eat (I was actually hungry, but food didn't seem appetizing!), and I was constipated (I was seriously thinking about taking laxatives, even if I'm totally against them!) and that brought me to feel so INSECURE about myself! This sensation has been going on for a few weeks and I arrived at a point where I hated that feeling and I was ready to stop. And all of it it's weird... Because I didn't binged eat or ate only crappy food all day long (I mean... I've eaten a couple of oreos once in a while, maybe two slices of banana bread, but I've always followed the 80-20 diet) but I felt STUFFED WITH FOOD ... I lift weights and I know how important it is to have enough protein in my diet... But every source of protein just seemed not appetizing... And so did fats (keep in mind... I thrive on a higher fat-moderate protein diet... So that w...