Whole Wheat Waffles | The Lazy Chef Recipies

While I was trying to loose some weight I realized that it was not about eating less, but about "eating more of the right food"!

I bought (just because I've wanted one for a really long time) a waffle-iron and as soon as I started searching for recipies I realized that there weren't that many "healthi-ish" waffle recipies that included whole wheat flour (and while I was trying making my own recipie I realized why! It is so hard!) so I DECIDED TO MAKE MY OWN.

Here's the link

The fact of using whole wheat flour change the consistency of the waffles in general but I feel like it's inevitable since the flour is not super processed... I mean... You give and you have! I, for sure, give up on the consistency for a more wholesome "ingredient list"!

INGREDIENTS (makes 4 waffles):

Whole Wheat Flour                                          100 gr
Cornstarch                                                       10 gr
Baking Powder                                                 3 gr
Milk/Water                                                        80 ml
Egg                                                                   1
Oil                                                                     50 gr
Salt                                                                   a pinch
Parmesan Cheese                                            20 gr

The process is really easy... OF COURSE!
Mix everything into a bowl and when the waffle iron is ready pour two and a half scoops of batter into it (for each waffle). The waffles will be ready when less steam is coming out of the waffle iron (or when it tells you that those are actually ready, if you have a fancier version!)

I hope you'll try this recipie! Let me know what you think about it and what I can improve of it! I'm always here for some constructive criticism!
Untill next time!


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