5 Habits to make your day a little bit better! #MyHealthyLife

I've never been  a creature of habit and I probably never will, I used to think that having a morning routine was just stupid and time-wasting.

Probably it was because of my chaotic lifestyle: wake up at 6, be ready for 7 and just go, go, go all day long... Come back home 13/14 hours later and collapse on the bed... 
This was my life at uni... AND I HATED IT... 
(side note... this was also one of the reason that made me decide to not continue my "student path"... tbh... If you want to I can make a post about it...)

As soon as I found a job and got "settled" (and with this term I mean it became my "normal life") I felt like I missed something.
I was still stressed and I felt like I needed something that was able to help me to chill out, just because this is, at the end of the day, my actual life from now on, and I can't live all my life stressed and anxious all the time!

I started, then, trying new stuff.
Things that I've always found stupid turned out to be SOOOO HELPFUL.

(this post has no images because I was lazy... But mainly because I was inspired to write and to post this as soon as possible! Do you like post with images or not? Sometimes those bother me, because they're useless! Let me know what you think about!)

Without rambling too much, here's 5 thing (plus a bonus one!) that help me everyday to live a less-stressed life!


As soon as I wake up I refill my 800 ml (24 oz.) water bottle and I drink as much as I can of it. This is a sing that I give to my body that says "ok... It's time to start the day!" without being "too aggressive" with it (I don't think that drinking a cup of coffee first thing in the morning is that good for you!).


If I don't wash my face, tbh, I feel grows. It helps me waking up and set me for a great day! (let's be honest... Most of the time it turns out to be a shitty day... But that's a whole other story!... I still keep trying!)


Before making coffee I open all the windows and let the fresh air circulate. You won't even understand the difference this made! It's nice to breathe some fresh air first thing in the morning and, especially during summer, waking up to the light of the rising sun without freezing!


I make my coffee in the Italian way, with what we call "moka" (I think that it's also used in the South America's countries, correct me if I'm wrong! And let me know how you make your coffee! I'm courious!) so I have to wait a little bit before it's ready.
Instead of waiting impatiently for the coffee to come out, I recently started to do some stretching exercises, that help me fighting the  muscle-soreness (I work-out five to six days per week and sometimes I get really sore!) and that helps me relax before a sometimes-chaotic day!


Also one thing I started recently (actually, the same day I started streching out!) was to not touch my phone till I was done stretching and I was done preparing breakfast. Every morning I try not to look at the screen for as long as I can, I avoid checking emails and I going to social network (lately Instagram, to me, has become an ad platform and I feel like I'm bombarded with product palcement! Please tell me I'm not the only one that is about this idea!)


Bonus tip!

Sometimes listening to your body is the best thing you can do... If the day before I've had a big meal and the morning I'm not hungry, I skip breakfast. If I'm too sore to even stretch out, I just do some breating exercises (or I stare out of the windows for 5 minutes, like a dumb-ass!).

I hope that this post has helped you in some way, shape or form... That has inspired you to be more self-concious about your morning routine... Because at the end of the day I feel like WE ALL NEED TO PRACTICE SOME SELF-LOVE. Do it for your body, do it for your spirit, DO IT FOR YOU.

Hope you enjoyed what I wrote, let me know if  you have a routine and what it consist about so we can get some inspiration!

Have a great day!


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