I Finally Gave my body What it Wanted | Days 4, 5 and 6

So... I was planning on stopping at day 3... But my body told me that it wasn't ready yet! My biggest worry was to not get enough nutrients during this period of time but I decided to follow my instinct and to do whatever sounded right, without worring. I'm learning so much about my body everyday, I thought that after loosing 30 pounds I already knew my body but guess what?! I've never been so wrong! Part 1 (Why I'm doing this!) Part 2 (Days 1, 2 and 3) DAY #4 As I said in the previous post, the day before I ate 10 fries (literally... If not 10 they might have been 15... But not more!) and my body definitely felt them! I wasn't bloated (not as much as day one and two) but I also didn't feel great! I also didn't feel an incredible hunger sensation! This was also leg day and I was worried about not making through it, but guess what? I felt amazing! I haven't got a mind-muscles connection like this in a very long time (and that was somethi...